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Keeping Life and Work separate

breadbean says:
I use RTM for home and work, keeping things separate with Inbox, B and C lists for home and Work A, B and C lists. On my smartphone I use two widgets, one as 'due today' and the other as 'work due today'.

The smart list syntax for 'due today' is: "NOT list:WorkAList and NOT list:WorkBList and NOT list:WorkCList status:incomplete and due:today or dueBefore:today".

The syntax for 'work due today' is: "list:WorkAList status:incomplete and due:today or dueBefore:today NOT list:Inbox".

I also have a list for 'weekly orders' for products I need to purchase repeatedly for work, I just tag them 'orders' with a repeating schedule and put them in the WorkAList. BAM, done! This might look confusing, but it actually simplifies my life so much! If I can explain this better for anyone, just let me know. Thanks RTM!
Posted at 4:18pm on April 25, 2012
andrew.poberezhniy says:
Dear breadbean,
I have also separated my work and home tasks but by means of location : work and home.
So I have 2 smart lists (assuming that all your tasks have location: home or work):
"Today @home": due:today and location:home
"Today @work": due:today and location:work
Posted 12 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
HI breadbean,

Nice use of Smart Lists! You're this week's Tips & Tricks Tuesday winner, so we've added a free year of Pro to your Remember The Milk account. :)
Posted 11 years ago
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