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RTM for Regular Home Maintenance

pjean says:
It's always easy to forget regular home maintenance items (change air filters, test smoke detectors). As I find regular items, I enter them into RTM with a due date and recurrence to make sure they aren't forgotten. I put the detailed instructions in the notes for more complicated tasks or where I might need details on parts to pick up when I'm at the store.

I've done the same for oil changes for the car and hope to build more maintenance items into that list in the future.
Posted at 1:50pm on July 19, 2010
janvanderploeg says:
Good tip ;-)
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
Great Idea, I'm new to RTM and trying to find the best ways to use it. So did you create a list called Home Maintenance and bang them all in there?
Posted 13 years ago
geof_p says:
I keep a lists called Home (for home maintenance), Outside (for yard work), and Aquarium (for general aquarium maintenance) that are filled with recurring tasks.

It would be nice if I could tie some of these tasks to a Shopping List, so that when, say, the Change Air Filter task comes due, it would automatically add a 16x25x1 air filter to my shopping list for the next time I run errands.
Posted 13 years ago
pjean says:
geof_p, That would be great to have dependent tasks automatically generated. I think it's a suggestion in the Ideas forum you can vote for. Currently I'm starting to add details parts info (filter sizes, etc.) to Evernote, but the actual task for buying them would need to be in RTM. It'd be nice for it to generate after a defined number of tasks completed, too. For example, you buy six filters because they're on sale, so you don't have to buy filter again until you've completed the 'change filter' task six times.

theitway, I have a list for Car and a list for Home with recurring tasks. The Car items I took from a Haynes manual. I use the "after x months" recurrence in case I miss doing it on time.
Posted 12 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi pjean, great tip! You're this week's Tips & Tricks Tuesday winner, and we've added a free year of Pro to your Remember The Milk account.
Posted 7 weeks ago
rcoilliot says:
A tip from 14 years, highlighting the reccuring task probably every user here have been using for YEARS, awarded as Tip of the week ? I love you RTM, but come on.
Posted 7 weeks ago
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