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Due dates can also be start dates

chad.davis says:
If you discover that a number of your tasks have unclear deadlines, that your tasks have interdependencies, that you might like to remind yourself not only when to finish a task, but also when to *start* a task, you might give this a try.

I took a step back and discovered that more of my tasks have start dates than due dates. I can't go to the bank until they open on Monday morning. I want to follow up with a collegue, after one week. I want to visit the dentist in six months. It can become overwhelming see a long list of taks when you realize that you can't yet do any of them.

I use the 'due date' to mean when I can finally begin a task. I have a smart list 'current' defined by: not dueAfter:now and any other other smart lists that I have all build off of this, e.g. 'home': list:current AND tag:@home

This way it doesn't clutter my screen, nor my mind until it's time to begin something. And as soon as I see a task appear, I can execute it immediately. It helps me be more pro-active and to procrastinate less.

And as jdfalk recently posted, for the tasks for which you want to remember when they're actually due, just put the date in the task's name, to see how urgent it's becoming.
Posted at 11:25am on May 13, 2010
risk says:
Thinking about tasks and the date field this way can solve the missing start date field that many are asking for.

One more tip for using the actual due date in task names where needed: Put the date in the form YYMMDD in the beginning of the task name so your tasks are sorted by due dates when viewing lists.

Thanks for sharing Chad.
Posted 13 years ago
tommertron says:
My problem is, some tasks DO have due dates, but tasks with start dates don't necessarily have due dates. But if I hack a due date into a start date, the start date tasks with due dates get cluttered up with the tasks that actually have due dates. Tasks with due dates usually have a higher priority for me.

And it takes a lot of smart list hacking, list changing or tagging to use due dates as start dates. It would be great just to be able to set a start date and forget about it.
Posted 13 years ago
kslays says:
There is a sort of work around, but it only works for items with a specific due date. You can use sleeper tags with a sleeper smart list to hide items until they are within a specified time of being due. Here is the link:

And a more advanced version:
Posted 13 years ago
youmon says:
+1 for start date.
Posted 13 years ago
webrunner says:
+1 for start date
Posted 13 years ago
chad.davis says:
You can also just use a tag to mark those tasks where the date should be understood at the start date. E.g. if you call it 'wait-until' and your default list is a smart list called, "Current" which is:

NOT (tag:wait-until AND dueAfter:now)

Then your waiting tasks don't show up before they can be started. When one does show up, you can optionally just remove the 'wait-until' tag and adjust the date (which is then to be understood as the due date). This is also intuitive when adding new tasks:

some task #wait-until ^friday

You might also call the tag 'start-on' or whatever makes sense in your workflow.
Posted 12 years ago
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