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Quick shopping lists with Dragon Dictation on the iPhone

(closed account) says:
Thought I'd post this tip as I've found it very useful. The new (free) Dragon Dictation app for the iPhone is a very good tool for transcribing voice to text. It gives you a very quick way of writing emails, SMS's etc. One thing I've found it very useful for is sending quick tasks to my RTM lists. Specifically, shopping lists.

I've tried a few different methods for creating quick and easy shopping lists on RTM, and in the end settled with the quickest and easiest. This was simply to create a new list called "shopping", then just quickly fire off a task to it for each item I need to get. I don't bother with tagging these or using locations or priorities, I just need a simple checklist when I'm out at the shops that I can mark complete as I get each item.

Dragon Dictation provides a really nice way of doing this by simply speaking into the phone, then sending the list to my RTM import address. For example, I open the app, press record and say "cheese new line bread new line milk new line salt new line pepper new line newspaper", then press the "done" button, fire it off as an email with the subject line "shopping" to my RTM import email address.

Then I'm out and about at the shops, open up the RTM app and they're all there as separate tasks in my shopping list, ready to be checked off as I get them.
Posted at 2:53pm on December 19, 2009
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