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Location Names tip

snugthejoiner says:
I thought I'd share this in case it is helpful. I have the tag cloud enabled and use it quite a bit. The different lists are gray but tags and locations seem indistinguishable to me. So, to differentiate, I have been naming locations based on their numeric street address rather than "home" or "office" etc. This groups them at the beginning of the tag cloud. Of course they are listed alphabetically, so in my case my tags begin with 277 followed by 45, which is fine by me. If one wanted to get fancy, they could be named with leading zeros (045,277) to have them listed from low to high. Also, I'm simply using the numbers, but you could just as easily do number and name, but I'd recommend using no space like so: 1600pennsylvania,123mainstreet. Perhaps someone will find this useful!
Posted at 2:54pm on December 13, 2009
mehardin says:
That works. I prepend locations and any other "context" tags with @. That works pretty well also.
Posted 14 years ago
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