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My Goal Driven GTD System

balle says:
This is how I GTD

All my tags have a prefix.
+ : Denotes a project (Project Context).

- : Denotes a timeframe (Time Context). Possible values :
-asap : Try to do this as soon as possible
-tickler : Due to a particular day (has to have a due date)
-later : Do it later... Needs to be promoted to -asap to actually do it. Promoted during a weekly review
-someday : I need to think about this more. May be I will do it or retire it

@ : Denotes a goal (Goal Context). Possible values :
@today : Do it today
@thisweek : Do it this week.. review this if @today list is complete
@thisweekend : Helps to keep weekend activities separate

_ : David Allen GTD Tags. Possible values:
_next : Next action for a particular project. Helps in doing reviews and setting @today goals
_reference : Helps store information on the system. For example, one of my tasks is to check for overdue library items. I have _reference task where I keep the library card numbers and a recurring task with -tickler tag where I go and check if I have overdue library books

I use three locations

Home : Tasks that can be done only at home
HomeOffice : Tasks that can be done either at home or at the office
Office : Tasks that can be done only at the office

This classification helps me create smartlists that I need to work on at home or office

I use greasemonkey script "A Bit Better RTM" to make my lists look a better. I think it is important to make lists look compact and relevant to your day as it helps you focus on what needs to get done.

The most important list for the day is the Today List
tag:@today OR due:today OR dueBefore:today
This list captures all tasks I need to get done today. I have this broken down by location and like to look at the tasks that I can do while at Office and those that I can do at home

I have other smartlists that are very useful for doing weekly reviews
These include @thisweek, -later, -asap and lists based on projects and next actions

I also use error checking. Some of the lists are :
Untagged : Tasks that contain no tags (isTagged:false)
Have no Goal Context : Tasks that contain no Goal Contexts (NOT tagContains:@ AND due:never)
Have no location context : Tasks that contain no location contexts(isLocated:false)
Tickler file errors : Tasks that tagged tickler and have no due date (due: never AND tag: -tickler)

I have a recurring task called Weekly Review and this keeps my @today list populated. During the Weekly review, I look at all tasks that -asap,@thisweek and promote them to an @today

During the review, I like to look at tasks that I have done nothing about in the last three months (Stale Tasks):
(NOT addedWithin:"3 months of today") AND ((NOT tagContains:tickler) AND (NOT tagContains:reference))

Hope this helps,
Posted at 5:19pm on April 30, 2009
nicolas.parrado says:

First of all I want to thank you for this post, is very text rich and explicative, excellent for starting people.

I have a couple of questions, can you write an example for an action of a proyect? which tags you used? how do you use the _next tag?

And when you are making the weekly review, do you use a smart list looking for _next tag?

I'll be glad if you could answer me, thanks.

PS: english isn't my mother languaje, I hope you understand the questions. Bye.
Posted 14 years ago
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