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Get an estimate of the effort involved in completing all your tasks for the day

chandra.gaajula says:
If you are like me, you have a bunch of lists and tasks in all of them.

However, you are likely to overwhelm yourself with tasks if you don't realize the effort involved in accomplishing them for a given day, especially if they are all over the place.

So, create a new List "Time Estimate" with the following formula:
status:incomplete and isShared:false and due:today

This keeps your tasks practical and manageable.

This comes especially handy if you tend to postpone your tasks frequently, which I am guilty of.

Hope this helps. Your feedback will be most appreciated.
Posted at 9:01pm on April 4, 2009
(closed account) says:
This would be much better achievable if there were a search term to isolate tasks that have not been assigned a time estimate, such as: timeEstimate:"". Unfortunately though, that doesn't work.
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi roy.van.der.woning,

This search should work for tasks with no time estimate:

NOT timeEstimate:"> 0"

Hope this helps
Posted 15 years ago
ranbarton Power Poster says:
It's worth noting that the forums are full of answers to some questions. E.g.,

Even when Emily doesn't answer your question for you, there's a lot in here that a simple google search will unearth very quickly.
Posted 15 years ago
b.harrisroxas says:
Awesome Emily, that solved my problem. Thanks!
Posted 9 years ago
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