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Quick way to add a new task using the integration with Google Assistant and IFTTT that work also with my Fitibit Sense

lemayp says:
Although IFTTT already support an integration with Google Assistant, what I realized over time is that what I need is basically a way to quickly add a new task to RTM using a voice command. I use Android, I have several google home in my house and I was also looking for a way to have this working with my Fitbit Sense (which support Google Assistant).

What I have been able to do, using the IFTTT integration, was to create a new Google Assistant command on it that would simply add a new task to my RememberTheMilk. I am looking for a basic task add as I always process my RTM "inbox" at some point to clean all the new tasks and refine them if required.

So, using IFTTT I have configured the following google assistant task:

"RTM $": the $ refers to anything mentioned after the RTM command, being the Task name to add into RememberTheMilk.

Using "RTM" as a command make sure this will not interfere with any commands such as "Remember" that google assistant would suport.

So "RTM Do the grocery" will create a new task named "Do the grocery" in my inbox.

This works with my phone, google home devices, and ... my Fitbit sense! What I like about interacting with such watch is that I found it more "discreet" since I don`t have to say the "OK Google" command to activate it, just a long-press on its button will threshold the google assistant on it.

That`s my new way to add a new task vocally to RememberTheMilk. Simple and fast.
Posted at 5:53pm on March 27, 2021
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