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Nirvana-like method in RTM

cek1227 says:
One thing I love about RTM is how adaptable it is, which is why I've tried so many different schemes. The latest one is below, and it's based on Nirvanahq's tool (but I think better).

Overview: work from a focus list, which has due items and prioritized items, and clear your list by the end of the day (by completing or demoting).

Location: domain of the tasks (home, work, volunteer group, etc.)

Projects: managed by tags (especially since a task can be relevant to more than one project)

Lists are states, NOT projects:
- Next - next actions for a domain or project, no due dates!!!
- Scheduled - tasks with due dates
- Someday - need to get to eventually
- Waiting - task waiting on someone else

Priorities are about focus, NOT about actual importance
- P1 - focus on today (it's like starring it); P1 means only this
- Next P2 - it's a next action, but not focused on for today
- Someday P2 - an item for weekly review
- Someday P3 - an item for monthly review
- (I don't use priorities any other way, but you can)

Inbox: move these out of Inbox as soon as possible; don't use it as a home for tasks

Smart lists
- 1Focus - focus on these items today (dueBefore:tomorrow OR priority:1 OR list:inbox)
2FocShort - (optional) - 1Focus items for when you don't have much time (list:1Focus AND (timeEstimate:"<15 minutes" OR timeEstimate:none))
3Daily review - review every morning (list:Inbox OR (list:Next AND NOT list:1Focus))
5Weekly review - review to begin a week (list:Someday AND priority:2) OR list:waiting)
9Monthly review - review to begin a month (list:Someday AND (priority:3 OR priority:none))

Create other lists as needed, such as location-based or project tags.

I sort these usually by Location, Priority, Due Date, group by Location.

Daily review (list 3Daily review): for each task that needs to be focused on today, change the priority to 1 (that moves it to 1Focus

Weekly review (list 5Weekly review): move items from "Someday" to "Next" as appropriate. Change priority if necessary. Do this review before the Daily Review that day.

Monthly review (list 9Monthly review): to move an item to the weekly review list, change the priority to 2. If needed, change from "Someday" to "Next" (or whatever adjustments are needed). Do this review before the Weekly Review.

Then work from the 1Focus list. Demote tasks as needed (change back to "Someday", change the priority, etc.) to clear your list by the end of the day. (I cheat and allow items to remain on the list if they need to be the focus the next day, but that promotes perpetually urgent tasks.)
Posted at 5:24pm on February 26, 2021
jimsutton5 says:
Pretty Neat.
Posted 2 years ago
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