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Tip: don't miss out on online coupons & discounts

mayanna.bean says:

For a long time, I missed out on discounts or birthday specials that have expiration dates because they got lost in my inbox but didn't really seem to belong in my to-do list or on my calendar. The alternative was to use them quickly, but that sometimes meant spending money I didn't really need to spend.

Finally, I started adding them to my shopping list, which my husband and I share on RTM (it's titled | so it doesn't take much space on my lists menu).

The task title has the discount code & the expiration date, and any special info is listed in the notes. I set the due date to the Sunday before the expiration date so I'll have a gentle reminder to check one last time for anything I need or upcoming gifts. Then I can move the email into my "promotions" email folder and forget about it.

Posted at 9:26pm on May 12, 2014
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