Ideas Forum

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Allow the widgets to work on customized lock screens

Started by (closed account) Android app1 comment

Regenerate the reminders list for today after adding new tasks

Started by (closed account) Android app0 comments

Option to insert the current date when editing a note

Started by lefedor Android app2 comments

Night mode

Started by (closed account) Android app2 comments

Ability to quickly change list in the widget

Started by okolnost Android app0 comments

Holo compatible theme

Started by s73fan Android app1 comment

Customizable font size

Started by (closed account) Android app11 comments

Ability to show the due time when a task's due date is tomorrow or later

Started by blt.phoneaccount Android app2 comments

Link to tags from the task details screen

Started by davidbwagner Android app5 comments

Ability to complete and postpone on a pop-up reminder

Started by kerrpe Android app3 comments

Adjustable Font Size on Andriod Widget

Started by choakchaih Android app2 comments

Customizable reminder radius per location

Started by steven.fosdick Android app3 comments

Ability to sort lists differently than in the web app

Started by joaojesus Android app1 comment

Themes for Android App

Started by tomavatars Android app4 comments

Faster way to delete tags

Started by gamma3000 Android app1 comment

Allow drag-and-drop of tasks on mobile

Started by dave.liao Android app3 comments

Customizable notification sounds

Started by npike Android app6 comments

Client or Widget vor Samsung Gear S3

Started by uk_artimage Android app12 comments

Display an optional customizable navigation bar at the top or bottom of the screen

Started by i_dave Android app0 comments

Search notes by default

Started by djdinut1 Android app9 comments