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Not Receiving Reminders

jimmy.honsinger says:
anyone know why I wouldn't be receiving reminders?
I have them set to go to my email, phone, and instant msger but I don't seem to get any reminders ever

even though my tasks do have deadlines
Posted at 2:59am on May 11, 2008
(closed account) says:
Same here, no reminder ever works. I sent an error report in March, but didn't receive any reply so far. I'd love to upgrade to Pro, but only if I can get this to work.
Posted 16 years ago
pizarropablo says:
me too.

Google talk, no.
MSN, no.

but twitter, yes!
Posted 16 years ago
(closed account) says:
Dear RTM Team,
Can you just give us any hint on whether this will fix / won't fix / no repro / etc.? I know, RTM is free and I am already very happy with it, but it would be perfect if this could be solved for us poor not-reminded-people. And if not, totally fine, I'd just like to know.
Posted 16 years ago
richtrj says:
Same problem. ICQ works, E-mail works, but MSN DOESN'T work.
Posted 16 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
If you're experiencing a reminder problem and haven't done so already, would it be possible to submit a reminder issue report via our support system?

Your report will give us the information that we need to investigate this issue (sorry, it's difficult for us to diagnose problems with reminders via the forums without full details on when/where you expect to receive the reminder etc).

We're not aware of any current reminder issues with the exception of the Yahoo! Messenger network (noted in our site status) which has been experiencing intermittent issues.

Posted 16 years ago
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