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RTM and the "ugh" list!

mark.szoke says:
Today, while browsing through the search function on RTM, I noticed something was missing- a field for whether a task has been postponed, or for how many times it has been. However, a quick browse of the advanced search features awarded me with this wonderful operator: postponed: (>/< x number of times). My mind reeled with the possibilities:

My personal favorite- The "ugh" list. I have a nasty habit of continually postponing certain tasks, or just "forgetting" to put a due date/priority, thinking, "I'm sure I'll take care of it someday". That day never seems to come around. So, I create a search query/ smart list with the operators: (postponed:"< 5" OR due:never) and voila! instant terror!

(for those of you who, like me, use tags for tracking certain projects, can also break down those roadblocks using this method by including the operator- tag:"world domination", or whatever project your stuck with)

Before getting right to work, I'll make sure to check my tasks to see if the problem wasn't me after all, but with them. Some tasks aren't really "to-do" items at all, but goals (I read a really awesome tips and tricks about using RTM for resolutions and goals), sometimes my tasks should really be broken up into smaller tasks, and some of them have either resolved themselves by now, or I just don't want to do them anymore.

Now after I've fixed my tasks (and improved my list as a whole), I'll just pick a day where I have a LARGE block of free time, (this sunday for me), Print out my all my dirty secrets of procrastination (this just seems like a job for pen and paper), roll up my sleeves, and put as big of a dent as I possibly can into that list. Any tasks left uncompleted will be given a due date, which I will stick to like glue. Imagine the enormous satisfaction!

Remember, the idea is to have to do this as little as possible!

that's all I got.

Posted at 6:40am on February 18, 2010
fmzimmer says:
I did not check whether this has been mentioned before, but you could track resolutions using some kind of negative system:

Let's say you decided to quit smoking.

- Create a task "smoke (though I better don't)" or whatever name you want to give it.
- Make it a daily recurring task.
- Now:
Every day you manage to complete without a cigar, you _postpone_ the task.
Every day you give in to temptation, you check it off as done.

As long as you succeed in holding up your resolutions, you can reward yourself by checking special (postponed:">7") [>30, >365, ...] lists commemorating your continuing success. Maybe there is (or will be, hint, hint?) a way to show the number of times a task was postponed, too.

Whenever your resolve fails you, you can start again with a clean count the next day. Or, if your task was something threatening not daily but, e.g., monthly, next month.

Good luck! :D
Posted 14 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi Mark,

Awesome tip -- I just wanted to let you know that you're this week's Tips & Tricks Tuesday winner. We've upgraded your RTM account to have a free year of Pro. :)
Posted 13 years ago
(closed account) says:
That's a cool idea for forming habits! Though to be honest as far as smoking is concerned, you should probably not remind yourself that you aren't smoking...
Posted 13 years ago
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