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Applescript to add new tasks?

dgrobinson says:
I am a recent convert from -- converted because of the ability to have a third party RTM widget sit in my gmail window.

The only major thing I miss from tracks is the ability to have a simple applescript that pops up with a one line text entry field, and sends a new task to tracks. Is the same thing possible with RTM?

Here, for reference, is the applescript that I used with tracks:

(* Pops up a dialog box in which you enter a description for a next action.
It then creates that next action in Tracks in the context specified below.

set myUsername to ""
set myToken to ""
set myContextID to 19193 (* Inbox *)

-- Display dialog to enter your description
display dialog "Description of next action:" default answer ""
set myDesc to text returned of the result

-- Now send all that info to Tracks
-- Edit the URL of your Tracks installation if necessary"
tell application ""
set returnValue to call xmlrpc {method name:"NewTodo", parameters:{myUsername, myToken, myContextID, myDesc}}
end tell
Posted at 8:36pm on November 10, 2008
(closed account) says:
I use Quicksilver with the RTM plugin for this. Works great. One of the reason's I chose RTM as my GTD manager. All I do is hit command+space, period, type the task, tab, type task, hit enter. Sends it straight to my inbox. And quicksilver is not only free, it is the single best mac app out there, so there is no reason not to grab it.
Posted 15 years ago
dgrobinson says:
This works great. Thanks!!
Posted 15 years ago
cbush says:
Indeed, Quicksilver integration is the main reason I use RTM (RTM's astonishing breadth of availability is the other); the ability to create new tasks in a few keystrokes, without leaving whatever app I'm in, is crucial to my remaining on-task and productive.
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I use the Milk the Cow "Skim" widget, which is just text box for adding tasks to RTM.

Works perfectly and allows for contextual commands like due date and tags.
Posted 15 years ago
kmninbox says:
Any know if there is something to use with Launchbar?

Or if you can convert the Quicksilver RTM for launchbar?

Posted 15 years ago
nordlys says:
Not happy with the Quicksilver solution, too many keystrokes. Compare for example with Things on the Mac, command-space, type task, hit enter. Also, do not like the "receipt popup", is there a way to switch it off? Any other suggestions? If not, I will need to make one..
Posted 15 years ago
nordlys says:
Update: Together with a simple GUI applescript, a widget actually works very well. I am now only 1 click away from RTM/Mac bliss..
Posted 15 years ago
nitin.badjatia says:
The Milk the Cow Skim widget is quite nice for quick entry. It's definitely faster than using Quicksilver.

I'd love to see the MTC developer add a couple more input areas, like the quick entry widgets for Things and Omnifocus. That would make for a perfect OSX solution for quick entry.
Posted 15 years ago
kmninbox says:
I've gotten the Launchbar Twitter/RTM script working...
I really do prefer it over anything else, even the widget. It just seems to flow much better for my workflow..

I see that you can define time and date, but is there a way to define tags, locations, and even notes? would be perfect
Posted 15 years ago
(closed account) says:
I'd love to see an equivalent of the ToodleAir (Adobe Air app for Toodledo) that works for RTM. This is a great little tool, and although I've looked at Toodledo a fair bit, I still love RTM best.

A little quick add tool like this for RTM would rule. But I'm no coder :(

Anyone fancy giving it a shot?
Posted 15 years ago
newtdark says:
@nordlys: yes, adding tasks to RTM via QS is slower than with Things, but we can't really compare the two. Via QS you are posting task to the internet, alas with Things you're entering it into the local database.

I love Things for its quick add feature, and I was a big fan of the app back in the day, but now Cultured Code just seems to be lagging behind in terms of features (they promised sync over web quite some time ago, I grew tired waiting for it, but then I found RTM). Also their iPhone app is suboptimal (still no landscape mode). So now I'm using both: Things for quickly noting ideas, and RTM for organizing to-do lists.

A OSX native RTM desktop app (with quick add feature as in Things) and sync to the web would speed things up significantly. Although I must say that I like the RTM web interface with its keyboard support. I use RTM as a Fluid app with Google Gears enabled for offline use. And @odelaney, :) let's not wish for another Adobe Air app. They are slow and clumsy, also I haven't seen a single Air app that would properly support keyboard combos (if at all).

Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
At the risk of self-promoting, I made a Google Quick Search Box plugin a while back. Since Smart-Add is included in the Remember the Milk API, you can easily designate advanced properties for your task inline through the plugin.
Posted 14 years ago
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