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Smart List, How to Only Show One Item At A Time

bek55 says:
Hello everyone!

I downloaded RTM due to reading that it may be possible to have Smart Lists show 1-2 tasks at a time, rather than all of them at once.

Me and my husband both have conditions related to executive dysfunction and being able to have only one task on the list would help a lot in not becoming overwhelmed.

Is this possible?
Posted at 3:53am on May 6, 2023
andreyas says:
Hi! You can add some tag like "now", "next" or smth to that task, and create smartlist, that shows only tasks with that tag
Posted 1 year ago
lemayp says:
I think the solution provided by @andeyas would be the best: use a tag such as "now" and apply it to a single task at the time, and create a smartlist based on it.

On the smartphone, maybe you could also explore the possibility to have a widget that shows your main list/smartlist, but reduce it to the minimum to only show 1 task(i.e. the top one). I haven't tried it myself but that could be an approach.

I tried it on my PC where from Chrome, I created a shortcut from my RTM and I enabled the option to "Open as Window". Once RTM opened as a Windows app, I resize it to only see the first/top task only.
Posted 1 year ago
peter.smulders says:
RTM does not offer built-in functionality to limit a task list to a particular length. You could indeed use the tactic of specifically picking out one task at a time and blessing that in some way to have it be the only thing showing up in a purpose-built smart list. However, if you are doing that, you might as well just look at one task and then close the window. Or rather: I don't think that solves your issue(s) in a meaningful way.

I looked into it briefly and given the structure of the HTML and CSS on a page, it should be possible to only show the top task from a(ny) list, by hiding (through CSS) all the other ones.

You could use a CSS plugin for your browser; I use Chrome and several of those exist.

This method would have the advantage of showing only to first item on a list (and if you sort it properly, this might very well be the most important thing to do right now). If you complete that task, the next one will move up and by virtue of being the first in series will be the only one not hidden. This cycle will repeat, without you ever having to look at a disturbing total list of possible tasks.
Posted 10 months ago
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