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Adding task in a smart list -

whalford says:
Is there a way you could add some functionality control where new tasks are added when you are are in a smart list

I use a list like

Searched for: list: Pers and (dueBefore:tomorrow or due:never)

This is my personal list and I only want DUE tasks and tasks that have no due date to appear

But when I add a task via this view it defaults to my "work" list

Apparently the "or " makes the smart list ambiguous according to this definition.

I would have thought this was a fairly common requirement - to see the due and undated tasks in a particular context (list)

It would be great if you could add a separate attribute to smart lists to allow us to set the default list of tasks added through that list.

Definition from :

"Note: Properties are only inherited where the Smart List is unambiguous. If your Smart List looks for tasks that are tagged apples OR oranges, the new task won't inherit either tag. However, if your Smart List is for tasks tagged apples AND oranges, the new task will be tagged with both of these tags."
Posted at 11:18pm on June 6, 2010
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
You could use the smart add syntax, using # for lists and tags.
Try adding #Pers to your tasks as you add them.
Posted 14 years ago
captaincampari says:
I second to this. It should be possible to explicity define default tags and properties when adding a task to a smart list. These tags shoud be able to be overridden by smart add syntax.

My smart list "office" has a query like "@office OR @online". So, the property inheritance does not work here.

Posted 13 years ago
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