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hiding events far in the future

tsvlasuk says:
I use the Firefox extension, the RTM iPhone app, AND the ToDo iPhone app, and I have the same wish in all of them:

I want to be able to hide events after a certain time in the future. For example, my task "Renew RTM Pro" is due Feb 2010, and I don't need to see it in the list right now. Is there a setting somewhere to say, "Don't show items more than x days in the future"?
Posted at 7:59pm on May 7, 2009
lite1 says:
New here, and I also found this to be annoying clutter. Essentially I think you might want a SmartList with a query of
where you replace _date_ with some specific date

You can look here to see some of the appropriate syntax that can be used in your search query

Others might have more elegant solutions. Mine is as follows:
I created a SmartList that I call Due with the intention of only having items show up in this SmartList that have certain Due date characteristics. I then feed this particular SmartList to Google Calendar, where I don't want to have a lot of clutter. Even if I just look at the SmartList in RTM I don't want the clutter of distant due dated items (as well as some other items as well).

So my query for the SmartList is:
(NOT due:never AND NOT list:"3 Perhaps") AND dueBefore:6/15/2009

For my query, what it is doing follows:
The part in ()
The NOT due:never finds all items that have some Due Date assigned, but this chooses more "fish" than I really want. I have a List called "Perhaps" with things that are Maybe/Someday (to use David Allen's terminology from Getting Things Done). For some of the things on "Perhaps" I have put in due dates that help me understand that particular list better and makes sure that I do actually consider some of these things in this lifetime. Nonetheless, I do NOT want them on my SmartList called "Due". Therefore the 2nd part within the () is to exclude these items and is accomplished by the
AND NOT list:"3Perhaps"
Finally, the last part is the AND dueBefore:6/15/2009
It is this last part that for the SmartList will exclude items with distant DueDates.

In order for this to work for me, I have a recurring task that reminds me to change the date in my SmartList that I have filled in which is currently 6/15/2009 to some latter date and hence I am always seeing items about 30 days into the future.

Hope that was clear enough to be helpful to you. I recall reading that some have an approach to have items "snooze" so that they are only visible a short while before they are actually Due. I believe that approach is used by some to alert you that you might want to start on an item which has a DueDate in 7 days before it is actually due.

It is unfortunate, as many have pointed out that RTM does not have a Begin On Date field, nor as you suggest a way to hide items until a specified date. Lots of people here have found clever work-arounds for what seem to me to be significant short-comings in RTM.

Posted 15 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
You could use the weekly tip Using sleeper tags, found on the blog (April 2009).
Permanent link:
Posted 15 years ago says:
Plenty of people have posted about this. The key term is "start date". You can only work around it with a smart list.
Posted 15 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
I'll second rajjan's sleeper tags tip -- it's a very nice way of hiding tasks.
Posted 15 years ago
paulnstone says:
@lite1 : I have a smiliar smart list, but I use the dueWithin operator like this:

dueWithin:"1 week of today"

Could you use something like that instead of manually remembering to change the date? So in your case, could you use dueWithin:"4 weeks of today" and get the same result?
Posted 15 years ago
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