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RTM with Palm Pre

squeff says:
Until there's a native WebOS version of RTM (the build in tasks application is terrible), Palm Pre users can make use of the iPhone web version of RTM.

The normal mobile version ( looks bad on the Pre. But the iPhone version ( works and looks great.

Yes, you'll need to upgrade to Pro. But if you're looking for the best tasks management out there, this is a nice way to get it with your new Palm Pre.

That is, until the WebOS version of RTM is released (hint hint).
Posted at 1:10pm on June 10, 2009
(closed account) says:
Thanks for the tip, The last thing I need to make the Pre the only device in my pocket is the RTM app for the Pre. The Apple app is so easy to use on my touch.
Posted 14 years ago
mikemcguire says:
I'm trying RTM on my Pre for the first time. It works great on the PC, but how do I check things off on the Pre screen?
Posted 14 years ago
andrewski (Remember The Milk) says:
On a task list, tap on the 'Edit' button on the top right. Blue check marks will appear to the left of task names; tap on a check to select that task for completion, then tap the 'Complete' button. The 'Done' button on the top right will exit this mode.
Posted 14 years ago
(closed account) says:
3 levels deep to complete an item. Not good.
Posted 14 years ago
mack.gaither says:
I'm having trouble getting the palm pre to go to

It keeps going to

The problem with that is that the header bar makes the page the size of a pinhead and you have to resize each page as you move through the site.

What am I doing wrong, or can you get rid of the wide header bar?
Posted 14 years ago
mack.gaither says:
Now its working. Needed to reboot phone for some reason.
Posted 14 years ago
phegaro says:
Is anybody actually working on an app? I have started working on an app and have the basics working but want to see if other want to contribute.
Posted 14 years ago
lwallach says:
phegaro, I would like to contribute, but I've only just started looking at WebOS - went to a local PreDevCamp and that was my first introduction. Got the O'Reilly book and am trying to find some time to start going through it. This next week is horrible for me, but I think things will open up after the weekend...
Posted 14 years ago
phegaro says:
lwallach, you can contact me at phegaro at gmail dot com. Lets see if we cant get something going
Posted 14 years ago
dgcombs says:
Say - the iPhone web app is actually pretty nice. Although I agree it could use some UI work.

I'd really like to get integrated with native tasks on the Pre or be able to sync to Exchange directly.
Posted 14 years ago
davidscottweaver says:
Loving my new Pre! I came from the iPhone, and man is this better for productivity IMHO. I wasn't too much into all the games for the iPhone (isn't that what a PS3 is for?). Anyway, the cool notification system on the Pre practically BEGS for a native app. I definitely miss the RTM iPhone app, but the website is good until a native app arrives. Cheers!
Posted 14 years ago
manderton says:
STILL no Pre app??? I've recently switched from Android (for reasons I won't go into here...) and I miss the native app. is pretty cool, but like having the 'cowbell' notification when something is due. not to mention the ability to work offline.
I've begun building an app, but my lack of Javascript chops is slowing me down (PHP dude...).
Anybody seen/have an RTM Pre app in development before I dive headfirst into this thing?
Posted 14 years ago
clevelandclimber says:
You can download "Cload Tasks" from the App Catalog for free, it syncs with RTM so, unlike the browser, you can edit tasks while not online. It's light on features, but that's one of the things I like about it - very fast and easy to use.
Posted 14 years ago
erniewillvonseder says:
I love RTM and will go pro either way as soon as I find a new job.

Anyway, I found that the mobile page is a pain with the small font issue and the iphone version is not "graceful" and does some weird flickering/checkerboard thing as it is changing screens that just bothers me.

But I must have access to my RTM.

So the way that I have been doing it by using the standard RTM web pages.

I use the Pre's auto zooming feature by double tapping inside of the list of tasks frame. The Pre zooms in so that the list of tasks just fits in the width of the display. I can slide up to my tabs and tap on them to change lists and the zoom setting does not change. I can tap on check boxes then slide up to the complete button to mark tasks done. I can use all the right side task editing features just fine as well. Works quite nicely for me.

There is only one thing that does not work properly for me. The enter task line will not register the enter key from the Pre's browser so I can not enter a task this way. Everything works right on this line including priority (!) and list (#) but with no enter the task is never pushed into the list.

The way I have found to get around this is that I created a contacts entry to my RTM list then used the Pre's "Add to Launcher" feature. Then I have an icon I can tap, tap the email address, tap the subject line and enter my task then send it into my RTM. Not perfect but gets the task into my RTM when mobile.

Posted 14 years ago
cmercs says:
Thanks for the info that Cloud task works with RTM. I'm going to download it. Too bad RTM isn't pushing a native app. Maybe they will now that HP is buying PALM.
Posted 14 years ago
richardfrank says:
There is a homebrew app called RTFM based (apparently) on an earlier one called Cowtasks...

I saw on the precentral forum that the developer is still developing it which is good news since it hasn't been updated in a couple of months.

Here it is on precentral app summary:

The fact that there was a half-decent app on the pre made me move from nozbe to RTM - would go pro the moment an official app appeared...
Posted 14 years ago
leonkehoe says:
HP Pre3 to be released this month or early next, can we have an app now please? :-)
Posted 12 years ago
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