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A Thorough Work To-Do List

ashley.banks says:
I recently started using RTM for work, and part of my struggle was capturing items that didn't have strict deadlines. Postponing things constantly was a waste of time. Also, I wanted to see things with upcoming deadlines so that I wasn't caught by surprise.

After a lot of tweaking, I settled on the following search list, which I call "Work To Do" (creative, yeah?):

Searched for: (status:incomplete) AND (due:never OR due:today OR dueBefore:now OR (dueWithin:"1 week" AND NOT tag:recur)) AND (location:work)

This captures only work items, showing me items that are currently or overdue, deadlines coming up (within a week), and those items that don't have actual deadlines.

The NOT tag:recur command keeps my list free of clutter, as I have daily tasks that I want to make sure end up on my list each morning, but I don't want lingering once I've done them for the day.

You could use "AND isRepeating:false" instead to achieve the same goal, but I have some non-daily recurring tasks that I DO want to be included in my "upcoming week warning", so I find tagging my daily recurrences to be more useful for me.
Posted at 8:00pm on January 27, 2015
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi ashley.banks,

Thanks for sharing your tip -- this is a really handy Smart List! You're this week's Tips & Tricks Tuesday winner, and we've added a free year of Pro to your Remember The Milk account. :)
Posted 8 years ago
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