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Running To Do Lists

kylir says:
I'm often annoyed by having to reschedule overdue tasks when in reality I just want to get that task done today and if not today then as soon as possible. To solve this problem, I've created a simple "Today" smart list which shows things that are due today or which have a priority. I then mark tasks in my other lists with a priority which then means I should do them as soon as I can. If I don't finish them today, they automatically appear in my today list for tomorrow without me having to change their due dates. My "today" smart list looks like this:

dueBefore:tomorrow OR NOT priority:none
Posted at 10:46pm on September 21, 2011
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
I agree, adding due dates to tasks just because you would like them done by a certain date isn't what due dates are for. Adding a priority seems like an easy way to highlight important tasks without adding a fake due date.
Posted 12 years ago
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
Hi kylir,

Nice Smart List. :)

I just wanted to let you know that you're this week's Tips & Tricks Tuesday winner. We've upgraded your Remember The Milk account to have a free year of Pro. :)
Posted 12 years ago
sssimon says:
Great idea! I have one problem with this smart list. If I have it open and decide to change the priority of a task (e.g., 2->1) then that item disappears. I have to refresh the smart list to see it with the new priority. Is this a bug or a feature? :-)
Posted 12 years ago
brendan says:
Hi sssimon,
Would you be able to contact us so we can get some details on the behavior you're seeing?

Posted 12 years ago
ransford says:
I use a "Horizon" list that ensures I'm never caught off guard by tasks coming due. Even if you don't use due dates as religiously as I do, you might find the "postponed more than N times" heuristic useful.

dueBefore:today OR (dueWithin:"5 days of today" AND status:incomplete) OR priority:1 OR postponed:"> 3"
Posted 12 years ago
kylir says:
Who-hoo! Thank you Emily. This "Today" smart list works really well with recurring tasks (like take out the trash, mow the lawn, etc.) as well. It has cut down a lot on "list maintenance" for me.
Posted 12 years ago
kylir says:
@sssimon - I haven't experienced any of the problems you've had because I almost never change the priority after it has been set.
Posted 12 years ago
(closed account) says:
Great tip, which I've copied - but it didn't quite work for me.

I have some high priority repeating tasks that are monthly (such as checking my financial accounts, renewing travel arrangements for my commute, etc.) and these show up in this list too. Which is awkward, as I don't need to know about renewing something in a month's time - that's much too far away for this Smart List!

So I refined your search like this:
dueBefore:tomorrow OR NOT (priority:None OR dueAfter:tomorrow)

That fixes this problem, and allows me to keep assigning priorities to long-term repeating to-dos yet also use your Smart List suggestion. :-)
Posted 12 years ago
tom_murphy says:
I love this smartlist idea... but as sssimon has reported "If I have it open and decide to change the priority of a task (e.g., 2->1) then that item disappears. I have to refresh the smart list to see it with the new priority." I am experiencing the same issue.

Is there a fix?

Posted 12 years ago
brendan says:
Hi Tom,
Would you be able to contact us as well so we can gather some additional details on this?

Posted 12 years ago
steve3005 says:
This sounds perfect for what I need, very new to RTM and have no idea how to implement a smart list!

Any tutorials anywhere please _
Posted 12 years ago
brendan says:
Hi steve3005,

You might be interested in our Getting Started Guide which covers the basics of the web app, including searching and Smart Lists.

Hope that helps!
Posted 12 years ago
raymond.bergmark Power Poster says:
@philip.storry: You could look into the Sleeper tag method described in the blog, it addresses this very problem, repeating tasks re-appearing in your lists the second you complete them.

Posted 12 years ago
steve3005 says:
Thanks Brendan.
Posted 12 years ago
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