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notes on reminder emails

ame.ops says:
I think RTM is great. Does any one know if it is possible to include notes associated with a task, in the reminder email which is generated.

Posted at 11:21pm on February 5, 2007
emily (Remember The Milk) says:
ame.ops, it's not possible to include notes with reminders currently -- sorry. We try to keep the reminders as short as possible (as many are sent via instant message and SMS) but we could look at providing more customizable reminders in the future. Thanks for your feedback on this!
Posted 17 years ago
rob.evans says:
I would like the notes included in the email reminders I receive. I actually made mention of this in an email to Emily in June last year (I didn't think to post it here at the time):
"While I was on the site, I decided to use the "Notes" facility hoping that the note I entered would come to me in the email message - I was disappointed. This would be helpful, particularly on the occasions when I want my reminder sent to someone else while I am away - they would appreciate the details entered in the note."

Emily's response (in an email) at that time was:
"Thanks for your feedback -- we'll be looking to expand on our reminder options in the future."
Posted 17 years ago
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